Corporate Law
The ups and downs of business depend as much entrepreneural know-how as on legal protection within a commercial context.
Contrary to civil law, specific legal regulations apply to business owners and their commercial activities.
The multiple commercial forms involve a multitude of legal questions – from the retailer to public trading companies to joint-stock corporations.
I. Retailers
Prior to commencing commercial activities, specific questions need to be addressed:
- Business Plan and Financing
- Questions regarding corporate registration
- Legal structuring of business relationships
- Settlement of rights and liabilities in trade
Upon commencing commercial activity:
- How can business transactions be protected by contract
- What specifics are to be taken into account with other businesses and representatives
- Adhering to trade regulations and practices
II. Publicly traded corporations
Prior to commencing commercial activities, the following is to be considered:
- Choosing the suitable commercial form
- Contractual bindings to shareholders
Upon commencing with business activities:
- How is the company philosophy to be carried out within the corporation
- How can conflict among shareholders be mediated?
- What is to be considered in handling employees
- How are economic hardships to be handled?
The following questions are to be considered in relation to disgruntled partners:
- Separation/resignation of a partner
- Dissolution of the corporation
- The settlement of company assets (incl. any debts)
Our Lawyer in Commercial and Corporate Law is Michael Loewer.